Monday, September 16, 2013

Deep Thoughts

Hello . and a veryyyyyyyyy good day to you guys . I know . it's been a very long time since the last entry . So many things had happen and soo many things to share . Geez it would be convinient if i have a smartphone and a keek account . hahaha . You see the girl below this entry ??? i broke up with her . AGAIN . but this time its her decision . Heartbreaking but its over though . at that time i just felt the worst feeling ever . i became totally clueless at almost everything in my life . its almost like her words cast a deep black wound inside my heart . and bit by bit it devours my soul . *WAH POETIC SIA . hhe . anyway .. although she told me to forget almost everything about me and her . i just really cant do so . i really didn't know why ... but still i'm still standing strong and keep on running babeyh ! I love her . I really do ,,,If i still can , i would wait for her for a thousand years if it's the last thing i do . So that's all for today . have anice day guys . Assalamualaikum to you :) peace


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